Any book suggestions from you guys?

Hey, you all! If you want me to read/review any books, just comment below! I really enjoy reading all your suggestions and it'd definitely be helpful for me. Also, if you want to submit a review or recommendation, comment as well! I know that not everyone can comment, so if you can't comment you have the option of emailing me at or commenting on my other blog, Love, Emily which doesn't require a Google Account to comment on. Thanks for reading, and check out my other posts for more!


  1. Where to start....
    Romance: The upside of unrequited
    Mystery: One of us is lying
    Realistic Fiction: With the fire on high
    Poetry: Alone Together
    Horror: The night gardener
    Fantasy: Howls moving castle
    Dystopian: The selection (series)
    Historical Fiction: Lions of little rock
    Comics: real friends
    And so many more...
    If there is a specific genre you're looking for just tell me, and I will share more titles from that particular genre

    1. Love your suggestions! I don't think I necessarily need any specific genre, plus I already have so many great suggestions from you and Nicolette for our book club, but thanks for the offer!


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