Such A Fun Age (book recommendation and review!)

Hello everybody, welcome back to my book blog! I hope you've been staying well and being happy, and of course, I am here today to tell you about a book I finished recently and loved! I hope you'll find this review entertaining or helpful, and thanks so much for clicking on this post! There are some spoilers here, but I tried to keep it to a minimum. (Don't read if you want to be completely surprised by everything in the book, but if you want the anticipation, read!)

Title: Such A Fun Age
Author: Kiley Reid
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Pages: 322

Me diving into the drama of this book like: 


Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid
Okay so wow! Right at the beginning, Such A Fun Age draws you in with the action, the drama, and the characters. I really came into this book thinking it'd be a lighthearted, interesting read (because I forgot what the blurb said honestly) but when the incident in the first chapter happened I was like whoa, I did not expect that. It was honestly awakening and frightening to think about that kind of situation, and what I would do if I were a bystander there or if I were Black and the one being affected by the situation. With BLM, police brutality, and racism in modern-day America being brought to our awareness, I've been thinking about things like this a lot more, and it scares me a lot because I don't know if I would be able to do anything at the moment if I were there. After the initial incident, I was really interested in the book and I expected it to have to do with race a lot more, and I was right and wrong. Shortly after, the drama started. Holy crap, the book has like three or four different "parts," and they all end at such perfect cliffhanger-page turner-sentence moments. It's really incredible, honestly!

 I loveeed those dramatic sentences that just leave your mouth open like WHAT JUST HAPPENED, OMG. This book was full of those kinds of revelations, and it was really cool how the author inserted conflict and drama into the story. Sometimes in books you're just like "WOW I can't believe the author just did that.. the talent" and I felt that a lot with this book. Also while I was reading a big thing that I was questioning was "who's right in this situation? who's actually telling the truth? which person is in the right?" and spoiler alert, they were both right and both wrong. I didn't want it to end; I wanted to be involved with these people's stories and see them meet new people and have happy endings, but sadly all books must come to an end. The ending was a good conclusion to the story, and definitely not the worst ending, and realistic. I recommend this book to everyone, maybe not for all age groups but if you're okay with mature topics and adults being adults, definitely read this if you have the chance!

Overall, I had a great time reading this book and writing this review! Let me know if you want to know more about any of the books I've written about, or specific genres and topics. You can recommend books for me to read here and maybe check out another realistic fiction book review here. If you want to read a good historical fiction about people in political times, click here or here. Thanks so much for reading and I'll see you all next time!
