Book Recommendations

Hi peeps!!!

Here are some more books I like and think you will like too!

Poached: This book is by Stuart Gibbs. I think it is a really good and interesting book! Once you pick it up, you can't stop reading! The book is in a series that is about a zoo called FunJungle and a boy named Teddy who is solving mysteries about the zoo's animals. I recently read Big Game, which is in the same series and is also really good!!! I recommend it to people who like mystery books and books about animals!

Out of My Mind: This is an AWESOME book by Sharon Draper!!!! It's really, one of my favorite books EVER! The story is about a girl named Melody who has cerebral palsy. She has a photographic memory, but she can't walk or talk. Finally, she discovers something that will allow her to communicate with the rest of the world and have a voice, but not everyone will be ready to hear it.
Here's a review of it that I think is describes it pretty well:   I recommend this book to mostly everybody, and kids age 8+. I discovered this book by accident; one day I was on the bus with someone and I was reading over their shoulder. The book was Out of My Mind! I later asked the person what the book was called and I loved it a lot, so I read it 100000 times.
