The Elite (Questions for Book Club) The Elite (The selection Book 2) eBook: Cass, Kiera ...

Here are the questions for The Elite. Don't read for spoilers! More questions can be found here.

Chapter 2:
Why is Celeste "getting worse?" Could there be something we don't know about her? Shocking backstory?

Chapter 3:
How would the Internet work if not many people use it? 
Is the rest of the world as sheltered from history as Illea is? Do they know the history of the world?

Chapter 5:
Will the king or the public be angry about Halloween? Why was the history of Halloween covered up? 

Chapter 7:
America's mother is happy for her, and doesn't try to instruct or question her. Could this behavior continue if America became the queen? Could this be a motive for her to succeed? Otherwise, would her mother still be satisfied with her losing the Selection but having a good life?
Why were Ones the only ones to learn official history?
Do you think America would be good at writing proposals and laws?
Do you think it's wrong that America is showing her dad Illea's diary?
Will we find out more about Lucy's backstory and her true love? Do you think they will ever be able to get married and have a life together?
Do you think Kota will be a big part of the story later on? Will this behavior have negative effects on America or the Selection?
What could Maxon and America's father be talking about?

Chapter 8:
What costume would you wear for a Halloween party like this, having no financial limitation?
Why do you think Maxon has been ignoring America for so long?
Do you think America and Maxon will continue having the same feelings for each other after the Selection is over?

Chapter 9:
Do you think Marlee's punishment was fair? 
Do you think Marlee and Carter were together before the Selection or did they meet at the palace? Should she have entered the Selection in the first place?
What will Marlee and Carter's life be like as Eights?
Will America ever forgive Maxon for not stopping the caning? Do you think she is overreacting, and that Maxon had no power to stop it?
Do you think Marlee and Carter will have permanent injuries after this?
What would you have done if you were in America's place?

Chapter 10:
Do you think Aspen and America deserved to be caught more than Carter and Marlee?
Do you believe Maxon's excuse that he couldn't stop it?
Do you think America will stick to her decision of not becoming a princess?
Do you think Maxon truly feels emotion during these times or is he coldhearted?
If being an Eight is much lower than being a Seven, are the other castes as divided as so? Or are the castes closer together in circumstance?

Chapter 11:
How much advanced technology do you think Illea or the palace has?
Will America change her mind about being a princess because of how kind and helpful the queen has been to her?
Do you think the Selection girls (excluding Celeste) will continue to be friends or will they fight and become divided?
What do you think the appropriate punishment is for attacking Celeste?
Celeste has done horrible things to the other girls. Do you think she is going to attack and provoke more people as the Selection goes on?
Do you think America is going to follow through on her plan with Aspen and be with him after this is all over?

Chapter 12:
What do you think life was like during the war? 
Do you think being knocked down a caste is a really bad punishment?
What kind of job do you think America would be good at?

Chapter 14:
Why did the king not talk to America? 
Is this going to affect her chances in the Selection?

Chapter 15:
Do you think Kriss and America are going to win the competition?
Are the girls becoming friends again?
After the Selection is over, what will happen to the maids of those who don't win?
Why do you think the rebels are attacking so frequently and so violently? Are the southern rebels getting stronger?

Chapter 16:
Do you think everyone is going to survive this attack?
Do you think the girl is going to tell on America?
Are children part of the rebel army now? Who exactly is attacking?
