No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram (RECENT READ)

Book cover of No Filter

 Hey everyone! I haven't been posting for a while, but I'm here today to tell you about a really interesting book I finished recently. I think this is a fascinating read about how Instagram was created, run, and sold to Facebook. It addresses so many different aspects of Instagram, and I think you would probably enjoy it too! Read on to find out more. 

Title: No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram
Author: Sarah Frier
Genre: Nonfiction
Pages: 247

No Filter is a captivating story about how Instagram runs from the inside. I think this is a really cool book because each part of the story was like a completely different genre, and it was fun to get lost in the world of rich white guys in Silicon Valley. The introduction starts with some examples of famous Insta-worthy locations and descriptions, and messages from the author. Then we move on to how Instagram was really started. We meet our main character, Kevin Systrom, as he works, brainstorms, and meets people that will ultimately help him or become rivals. Mike Krieger, Jack Dorsey, and Mark Zuckerberg are all intriguing characters we get to explore throughout the book. The premise of the book starts when Systrom decides to make an app called Burbn. I won't tell you much more about it, but it does lead to him creating Instagram. The next part of the book (after Instagram is created) is about Instagram gaining popularity with celebrities, brands, and ordinary people. We also learn about the behind-the-scenes with Twitter and Facebook's offers to buy. There's much more in the book, but I suggest that you read it yourself! Overall, it was an absorbing, stimulating, and contemplative book that I think most people would enjoy, especially if you use Instagram or Facebook. 

Thanks for reading! Feel free to check out my other posts or recommend a book for me to review. I appreciate all your comments and I love to read them! Follow my blog by email to be notified whenever I post. See you soon!


  1. Awesome post! This sounds like a really interesting read to understand more about social media and what’s behind it. Hope you’re well!

  2. Thanks For The Recommendation... I'll Add It To The List!


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